TGG2 Update #65 – The Foundry Is Hot! - Raging Heroes

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November 21, 2016 10 min read 51 Comments

After loosing so much time this summer because of the Paypal crisis, things are now back to full speed. As you can see in this update, there is plenty of prints and moulds and test spins done, and you'll also get more specific information about delivery dates and about our other projects. And don't forget the survey at the end, with a special bonus for you !!

New Prints - New Casts

If you have a hard time envisioning how massive our current output is, here are just a few of images of the minis that were printed and moulded since our last Update. Please keep in mind that not everything is shown here. For specific details on each model and its production status, please scroll down to the last section of this Update.

Production Update

In our last Update, we promised you we would go into more details on what's currently manufactured and how our new workflows impact the production.

Some of you have been concerned about the fact that we did not share much info about when the next shipments would start to happen. Of course, we understand that you want to get your Rewards as soon as possible, yet it is always tricky to give precise planning information as there are always the chance of a few mishaps happening that might just delay the production a bit more. So we try to stay very prudent every time we give you dates.

But today, we are very happy to announce that the work we put in to upgrade the workflow and processes has been super positive. Everything we had planned regarding manufacturing has been running right on schedule for the past few weeks!

From an outside perspective, this might seem perfectly normal, but if you look at the amount of minis that moved into production, got moulded, and are now ready to be cast since the last Update, you may realise that this is nothing short of extraordinary. We don't think that even the biggest names in the industry output more than this in a full year. Anyway, we are currently keeping up with our best projections, that is, outputting a full unit every day!

Why update the workflows?

If you are among those who've been commenting on why we once again chose to update our workflows, well, it's precisely for this: to finally be able to get the kind of output rate we are now getting. Thanks to your backing our project and your constant support, Raging Heroes has grown in a very short time from its early days as a small craft studio. This transition continues to be a massive daily challenge on each and every member of our team, and of our suppliers.

We are doing more and more parts of our business (design/creating/production/sales/marketing/logistics/etc.) fully in house. Ultimately, this integration means more and more efficiency on all level and the current 3D Printing / Mould Making process is a perfect exemple of that.


When Will You Get Your Rewards?

As creating the moulds for all Troops and Heroines will be done by very early December, the Foundry will then enter a massive casting phase for all of December. The improvement we have made to the production process with the pizza pie Family moulds (which we showed you in our previous Update) means that we will have a faster and more effective process of picking, quality control, and packing, thereby speeding delivery.

Consequently, this means that the next round of shipments would start in January for the bulk of our backers, and possibly earlier for some of you. We look forward to working with the Foundry in this upcoming casting phase to more accurately forecast the delivery process for you.

What If Your Rewards Selection Includes the Avatar of Shaah, the Altar of the Succubi, or any of the other Creatures/War Machines?

If these models are part of your Rewards Selection:
  • Yscarloth, The Harvester of Flesh SF and Fantasy
  • Avatar of Shaah Fantasy/SF
  • War Pulpit SF
  • Asharah on Pegasus Fantasy
  • Spider Mother SF/Fantasy
  • Draahk Chariot Fantasy
  • Altar of the Succubi Fantasy
  • Horse Chariot Fantasy

... it is pretty likely that the moulds for these models will be created towards the end of December. However, before giving you any precise scheduling on this, we need to see the speed rate of the casting production process. So we'll have more to share with you on this in our next Update.

That being said, the first one to be moulded and cast will be the Avatar of Shaah, the most popular of our Monsters and Machines. So it is very likely that the shipments of Rewards containing the Avatar of Shah will start in late January. And the others will follow.

Next Kickstarters

You may remember that we announced a scenery Kickstarter for November... But as you might have noticed, this campaign has not yet launched. One of the reasons we are always reluctant about making announcements on what is coming is that much happens while we develop projects: new ideas come up, new concepts, new twists... Very often, it feels like it would be quite sad not to give that some extra time in order push the best of these ideas to fruition. So we decided to allow more time to this project.

During this Fall, two things happened. First, there were a few pretty big projects running on Kickstarter in November, and so it felt that the timing to launch our campaign was not optimal. Then, we received new concepts for the Sisters of Eternal Mercy's fortifications and other buildings. They were so crazily good that, in turn, new interesting ideas popped up and so, it made a lot of sense to reorganise this Scenery project.

So, since there will be much more than expected for this gothic themed scenery, we have decided to push back the whole Scenery Project a little, and break it up in 3 distinct Kickstarter projects.

  • The first one will be the Sisters / Gothic theme.
  • The two other ones will be KST scenery, split in 2 different projects: brutalist/Art Deco/Soviet-looking fortifications, and a Ghost in the Shell-type urban environment.

The idea of splitting the Scenery Project in 3 will have several positive impacts:

  • It gives us more time to design more awe-inspiring constructions
  • We are likely to have all the 3D work done before we even launch each Kickstarter project
  • Fulfilment for each project will go much faster as the Foundry will only have one third of the Scenery to manufacture at a time.
  • If you are very excited about these pieces, it will allow you to spread your expenditures over a longer time period.

So we definitely think this will be a win-win for everybody.

So, will it really look cool?

Well, here is a sample of something we are working on.

Imagine some sort of labyrinthine construction into which the Sisters store their massive knowledge and prayer tomes. Something like a giant underground library that would make The Name of the Rose's one look ridiculously simple.

We've designed this environment, as well as the others we are working on, as a series of building blocks from which you'll be able to create simpler, smaller, but gorgeous and evocative structures all the way to a massive convention-like table. In fact, to be honest, we think you might have rarely seen convention sceneries as awesome as what we are preparing for you...

What About Games???

We are working hard on this. We had a first set of alpha tests last month, and we have another series all of next week.

We currently have 2 games in development. They somehow run on the same DNA and are very complementary in terms of development. What it means is that working on one help us finesse the concepts of the other.

Of course, one is the 28mm TGG game. The other, also set in the TGG universe, is a 54mm game for up to 5 players. This will be a fast and fun game where you'll be able to unleash your inner megalomaniac super-villain...

So stay tuned! We can't wait to share more on these 2 projects.

Production Status

If you have not taken a look recently at our live production spreadsheet, here's a quick summary of what's going on (as of Wednesday Nov. 16. Please note that this spreadsheet is updated every day or so. 

Status: 5/ Back-ordered
These 5 models are back-ordered, but they should be back in stock within 14 days:

  • Shiveriah, Sorceress Fantasy
  • Lady Kashala, Dark Elf General Fantasy
  • Santa Dolores, The Lady of Sorrow, Psychic Seer Fantasy/SF
  • Arkiish, The Black Reaper Fantasy
  • Silkeeriss, Hunter Pack Leader Fantasy

Status: 4/ In Stock
There are 44 items in this category, or 45 items when we count the Freebies box (which is made up of items from this list, but which does take a while to assemble). All of you who made their Rewards Selection before July 28 have already received most of these items. Some of you missed out on some, because we could not anticipate their success. The reorders were made over the months of September and October, and will be shipped along with the remainder of your Rewards Selection.

  • 3 Stingrays - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Stingrays - Troopers SF
  • 3 Stingrays - Command Group Fantasy
  • 3 Stingrays - Command Group SF
  • 5 Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars Troopers SF
  • 5 Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars Command Group SF
  • 5 Mantis Warriors - Troopers Fantasy/SF
  • 5 Mantis Warriors - Command Group Fantasy/SF
  • Sisters' MINIONS Fantasy/SF
  • Manticore (NOT unlocked) Fantasy
  • Arthenya VI The Archpapess SF
  • Sister Altarii Fantasy
  • Asharah TGG2 SF
  • Asharah TGG2 Fantasy
  • Sister Altarii SF
  • The Huntress Fantasy
  • Sister Trematta, Field Resurectrix Fantasy
  • Zaraya, Pilgrim Priestess SF
  • The Huntress SF
  • Lady Darkryss Fantasy
  • Zaraya, Pilgrim Priestess Fantasy
  • Sister Trematta, Field Resurectrix SF
  • Arthenya VI, The Archpapess Fantasy
  • Silkeeriss, Hunter Pack Leader SF
  • Lady Darkryss SF
  • Kraash SF
  • Lady Kashala, Dark Elf General SF
  • Kraash Fantasy
  • Tobias the Tenacious (Sisters' Mascot) 
  • Vladimir the Virtous (Sisters' Mascot) 
  • Violet (Dark Elves Mascot) 
  • Sister Ardanna, Pillar of the Faith Fantasy/SF
  • Sister Celenia, Scout Fantasy/SF
  • Doralys, Virgin Oracle Fantasy/SF
  • Rithali-in, Expiatrix Fantasy/SF
  • Sinzirith, Blood Vestal High Priestess Fantasy/SF
  • Sephea, Executrix Champion Fantasy/SF
  • Xarsiss, Harpie Queen Fantasy
  • Lady Melith, Lust Elves Courtesan Fantasy/SF
  • Shaliah, Death Dancer Soloist Fantasy/SF
  • Zailith, Blood Vestal Secultrix Fantasy/SF
  • Liligrith, Exsanguinatrix Fantasy/SF
  • Vanvyssah, Lust Elves General Fantasy/SF
  • Onyx, Master Assassin Fantasy/SF
  • (The Freebies kit is included in this list)

Status: 3B/ Ready to Cast
The production moulds for these 34 items are ready. The casts prototypes have been validated. The moulds will be spun as soon as everything that is in category '3A/ Moulds in Progress' is finished. So we are looking at A LOT of spinning in December.

  • 5 Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Command Fantasy
  • 5 Sisters Regular Troopers - Troopers SF
  • 5 Skinners - Troopers SF
  • 5 Sisters Regular Troopers - Command Group SF
  • 5 Sisters Regular Troopers - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Davidians - Troopers SF
  • 5 Davidians - Command Group SF
  • 5 Blood Vestals - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Angels - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Flesh Eaters - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Skinners - Command SF
  • 5 Flesh Eaters - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Sisters Regular Troopers - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Angels - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Icariates - Troopers SF
  • 5 Icariates - Command Group SF
  • 5 Blood Vestals - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Blood Vestals - Command Group SF
  • 5 Blood Vestals - Troopers SF
  • 3 Vestal Riders - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Vestal Riders - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Hunters - Troopers SF
  • 5 Hunters - Command Group SF
  • Ascended Sister Erzebel, Great Seraphim Fantasy / SF
  • Sister Reyallia, Sanctifier of the First Legion Fantasy
  • Sister Reyallia, Sanctifier of the First Legion SF
  • Mahleezariah, Lust Elves Matriarch (new name) Fantasy/SF
  • Augusta, The Mother Superior Fantasy
  • Augusta, The Mother Superior SF
  • Angel wings for Icariates x5 
  • 1 Sister Regular with Flame Thrower 
  • 1 Sister Regular with Fusion Gun 
  • 1 Sister Regular with Heavy Submachine Gun 

Status: 3A/ Moulds in Progress
There are 44 items in this category, and they are swiftly moving up to the next one.
The 30 Troops will be done first, and should move up in 7 to 14 days.
The 14 Heroines will be done immediately after, and are expected to be done in less than a week.

  • 3 Mounted Knights - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Mounted Knights - Command Group Fantasy
  • 3 Worm Riders - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Worm Riders - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Death Dancers - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Death Dancers - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Blade Maidens - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Executrix Regular Troopers - Troopers SF
  • 5 Long Swords Regular Troopers - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Executrix Regular Troopers - Command Group SF
  • 5 Long Swords Regular Troopers - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 SpearWomen - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 Crossbowmen Command Fantasy
  • 5 SwordWomen - Command Fantasy
  • 5 Blade Maidens - Command Group Fantasy
  • Shiveryah, Sorceress SF
  • 5 SpearWomen - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Crossbowmen - Troops Fantasy
  • 5 SwordWomen - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Knights of the Chalice - Command Group SF
  • 5 Knights of the Chalice - Troopers SF
  • 5 Harpies - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 Harpies - Command Group Fantasy
  • 3 Draahk Riders - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Draahk Riders - Command Group Fantasy
  • 3 Centaurs Fantasy - Troopers Fantasy
  • 3 Centaurs SF - Troopers SF
  • 3 Centaurs SF - Command Group SF
  • 3 Centaurs Fantasy - Command Group Fantasy
  • 5 HalberdWomen - Troopers Fantasy
  • 5 HalberdWomen - Command Group Fantasy
  • Varanith, Captain of the Draahk Riders Fantasy
  • Varaseesh, The Venomous Fantasy
  • Sol-Sarya, Priestess of the Sun of Thorns Fantasy
  • Templar Mona de Costemore, Demon Slayer Fantasy
  • Sol-Sarya, Priestess of the Sun of Thorns SF
  • Templar Mona de Costemore, Demon Slayer SF
  • Varaseesh, The Venomous SF
  • Senshyrha, Slave Master SF
  • Senshyrha, Slave Master Fantasy
  • Keshyrii, Centaur Heroine Fantasy
  • Keshyrii, Centaur Heroine SF
  • Mistress Slithiss, Excruciatrix SF
  • Mistress Slithiss, Excruciatrix Fantasy

Status: 2/ Sculpted (and awaiting 3D printing and moulding)
There are 12 references in this category. The first 2 will move up to '3A/ Moulds in Progress' within the next 5 days. The remaining ones (mainly Creatures and WarMachines) will deliberately NOT be Moulded for several weeks, while the Foundry shifts its focus from Moulding to Casting.

  • Xehzirhya, Demon Steed Rider Fantasy
  • Xehzirhya, Demon Steed Rider SF
  • Yscarloth, The Harvester of Flesh SF
  • Yscarloth, The Harvester of Flesh Fantasy
  • Avatar of Shaah Fantasy/SF
  • War Pulpit SF
  • Asharah on Pegasus Fantasy
  • Spider Mother SF/Fantasy
  • Draahk Chariot Fantasy
  • Altar of the Succubi Fantasy
  • Horse Chariot Fantasy
  • And all Male Elves Bits

Status: 1/ WIP
This category is empty. Everything is done.


Reopening of the Pledge Manager? Additional Shipments?

And to end this Update, we need your feedback:

  1. Would you like us to re-open the Pledge Manager?
    As the Christmas season is approaching, this would allow you to add more stuff to your Rewards Selection and get it sent over with your second shipment?

  2. Also, if your Rewards Selection includes one of the larger items (which won't be ready at the same time as the Troops and the Heroines), would you want to be able to purchase an additional shipment, so that you can get your Heroines and Troops as soon as they are ready, and the large items later in another shipment? The cost for this would be $14.

To reply, please complete this one-minute survey no later than Wednesday, November 23, and to thank you, we'll add a bonus $5 Store Credit to your TGG2KS account for you to spend if/when the Pledge Manager is reopened. 

We'll share the results in our next Update!

Edit (Nov. 22): Also, don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell us what you think about The Toughest Sceneries of the Galaxy... (Note: Comments are moderated to avoid SPAM, of which there can be A LOT; they are approved once a day on the 3 days that follow the publication, and less frequently after that.)

51 Responses


December 15, 2016

Nice work, i’m impressed!


December 11, 2016

So, got the Freebies (which are awesome) a month or two ago and still waiting for the other models to arrive. I know I’m in a long que for receiving the units from the pledge but, hopefully this update means the wait won’t be much longer. If not…I’ll still wait.

Charley Hickey
Charley Hickey

December 04, 2016

I purchased almost all of the Iron Empire figures.Will there be IE scenery as well? And hopefully machinery will be next in line after the scenery. Love your stuff!! Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!


November 25, 2016

i know i am late. Bitte if you reopen the pledge Manager i’ll use it. Awesome work – Guys – Just awesome.


November 25, 2016

Like others here, I missed de KS, I would love if you reopen the Pledge manager for everyone

Brian Olivier
Brian Olivier

November 23, 2016

Scratch that. I don’t care about these minis anymore.
1) Raging Heroes refuses to respond to questions about the resin that many backers can’t dry, glue or paint.

2) They refuse to answer questions about the metal minis.

3) They completely stopped answering questions to comments on Kickstarter.

4) They stopped posting updates on Kickstarter.

I am 100% finished with Raging Heroes. I’ll paint whatever I get from this project and then move on.

Brian Olivier
Brian Olivier

November 23, 2016

Still no word about the metal cast minis. Please tell us when you expect to have them cast. I would add shipping to get them early if I knew they would be ready before my troops.

I’d like to see the PM reoppened.

I’d also like to see you post updates in Kickstarter where they belong.

Julio estrada
Julio estrada

November 23, 2016

If it re-opened, could I place an order as I totally missed the kickstarter??
I would certainly back the Ghost/Shell style buildings!

Pascual Laurent
Pascual Laurent

November 23, 2016

Heu comment dire,alors oui pour la ré ouverture .
Les figurines sont tout simplement exceptionnelles ,mais c’est quand même un peut long.
Et si c’est pour attendre encore plus , je ne suis pas fan.De plus j’ai pris un Pledge + une commande supplémentaire,et j’ai un peut peur d’y rajouter encore une commande.
Pour les décors je ne me prononce pas . J’ai investi 531 dollars pour le moments,et j’ai juste reçu les freebies.


November 22, 2016

Opening the pledge manager again at this time would work well for me, as I have a bit more income at the moment than I did when the P.M. was originally open.

Zach Walker
Zach Walker

November 22, 2016

I just discovered this recently, so obviously I missed the kickstarter. There are several model sets from this I would like to order. Is there any way to do that so far after the fact? If not, is there an expected time as to when these kits will be available for general purchase?

Andrew Disbrow
Andrew Disbrow

November 22, 2016

I would rather than having updates and reopening stuff etc.. Please ship our stuff! We have been waiting since March to get our rewards and nothing yet.. Seen lots of pictures of people getting things but still have not seen anything myself I do not have any big things or crazy stuff…. I Just want my rewards before the regular non kickstarter people can buy on line… We Have been waiting and waiting your in ability to send out your figures is not our fault and we should be compensated for the lateness of us receiving our rewards “ESTIMATED DELIVERY
Mar 2016” well it is much later than that…. A $5 bonus for commenting is not even 1 fig,… the $5 is to get us to buy more stuff… BOOKS: We don’t even have our digital art book from TGG1 yet…….


November 22, 2016

not too concerned about the pledge manager to be honest, but extra shipments are essential, as i basically received a box of freebies and nothing else.

scenery idea sounds great by the way, will look forward to seeing more on that.


Troy Stubblefield
Troy Stubblefield

November 22, 2016

What is the timeline for the art book? Yes to reopen these pledge manager.


November 22, 2016

1) Oui à 100%, après quelques coups d’oeils de nouvelles figurines m’intéressent grandement,

2) Pour aussi.

Et au passage j’ai hâte d’en voir plus sur les décors des soeurs qui risquent d’envoyer du très très lourd au vu de la qualité des figs jusqu’à présent.

Jerel Mackay
Jerel Mackay

November 22, 2016

1.) YES to re-opening the pledge manager.

2.) Maybe: Personally I’ll probably just wait for the large items to be available and get the one shipment, but allowing an optional additional shipment for those in more of a hurry than me sounds like a good idea. I’d rather it NOT be mandatory for those adding additional items however.


November 22, 2016

yes give me more :D always more ^^

jeremy gastebois
jeremy gastebois

November 22, 2016

absolutelly agree with the pledge manager reopening, with additional shipment.

your stuff is awesome so make your ideas come true: do the scenery kickstarter, please !

I want to try everything you possibly have to propose =).

thank you.


Vikki Ball
Vikki Ball

November 22, 2016

Nice thanks for the update … I can now see what is happening. Thanks again vikki.

Steven Hutchinson
Steven Hutchinson

November 22, 2016

1 – Yup may aswell open it
2 – Option should be there but so should a I’ll wait for it all option


November 22, 2016

No, I think reopening adds unnecessary complexity and risk for you and your supporters in terms of fulfilling orders correctly without enough upside for you and your supporters. Great job on this KS. Love the scenery idea.

Edwin Robinson
Edwin Robinson

November 22, 2016

1. No – wouldn’t order anything new, but don’t really care if you do.
2. No – I can wait. Have plenty of other things to paint up.

Anders Olsson
Anders Olsson

November 22, 2016

1. Yes. I’d probably buy something more.
2. Yes. I really want my troops and them being held up for a month or two just because I ordered Yscarloth kind of sucks.

Great work guys and gals. I loved the freebies and can’t wait to get the rest of the stuff.


November 22, 2016

Any chance i can late pledge to get a bunch of minis and the freebies? I’ll happily spend a few hundred $ because no other company offers such beautiful female minis!


November 22, 2016

Yes to both questions!

Ivan Daskalov
Ivan Daskalov

November 22, 2016

Yes, re-open Pledge Manager, please!!! :)

Arne D'hauwe
Arne D'hauwe

November 22, 2016

Yes to re-opening pledge manager


November 22, 2016

Yes, please re-open. I would like to buy more as funds become available.

As far as additional shipping options go I am in no hurry, but it sounds like a good idea.

Nicolas giorgi
Nicolas giorgi

November 22, 2016

Yes to reopening the pledge manager.
No to opening the shipping.

Rico Wong
Rico Wong

November 22, 2016

Would you like us to re-open the Pledge Manager? Sure!

Would you want to be able to purchase
an additional shipment? Personally, no. I can wait for the rest to come.


November 22, 2016

Super excited for terrain KS!
I like the idea of splitting by theme as I want to see each of these fully explored!

Love your work guys, keep it up!

Jon Hart
Jon Hart

November 22, 2016

Awwwwww… Go on then. ?


November 22, 2016

I said yes to both in the survey as well


November 21, 2016

I would like to see Kickstarter updates where they belong, on Kickstarter and not here, thanks.


November 21, 2016

1) Yes. I keep buying stuff on there anyway.
2) Yes. I am getting impatient to get my miniatures.

Todd M Ferrullo
Todd M Ferrullo

November 21, 2016

Yes, I would be interested in a reopening of the PM both to add more and to pay the additional shipping fee since I have many of the items in that late list.

Robert Egli
Robert Egli

November 21, 2016

1. Would you like us to re-open the Pledge Manager?

2. would you want to be able to purchase an additional shipment ?

Tim DuPertuis
Tim DuPertuis

November 21, 2016

Yes to both options.


Glenn Bevensee
Glenn Bevensee

November 21, 2016

I could go for reopening the pledge manager, in fact every couple months until you’re ready to ship, as people can always add more. Especially if Games Workshop continues to ignore all those people who want Sisters of Battle minis. Some of us might well be playing at Non-GW stores, using your minis, instead.

Boris Pöhlmann
Boris Pöhlmann

November 21, 2016

No, thank you.

Dustin Ballard
Dustin Ballard

November 21, 2016

- YES! The more I see, the more I want … more. - abstain; I think this would be a nice option, but won’t be using it myself.

You guys are awesome.


November 21, 2016

OMG! Those sculpts look great!!

Bill Redford
Bill Redford

November 21, 2016

Yes reopen


November 21, 2016

Those minis look fantastic! I’m eager to see the first designs for the scenery. Will this project include cannons? Furniture?

Salvo Tirrito
Salvo Tirrito

November 21, 2016

-Would you like us to re-open the Pledge Manager?
Sounds like a good idea to me, timed with the coming Christmas the perfect shop to buy gifts!

Nicklas Wackerfeldt
Nicklas Wackerfeldt

November 21, 2016

Yes it’s a good idea to re-open it, mostly for people that want their minis to buy an extra shipment.

I was planning on using my minis in 40k as Sister of Battle, and since rumours are that GW is about to release them in plastic soon, this rush of lady minis will get interesting.

Michael Cummings
Michael Cummings

November 21, 2016

Yes, I would like to see the pledge manager re-opened so I can add a few more items to my pledge. I didn’t realize that some of the sci-fi sisters with special weapons wouldn’t be available again until after I confirmed everything. And I would rather get everything in one shipment. I still haven’t done very much with my pile of miniatures from TGG1. But I’ve penciled some time in this year to work on both kickstarters.

Maarten van de Stadt
Maarten van de Stadt

November 21, 2016

Option 1 is a yes for me, would love to add more models

Option 2 is a no for me, already paying enough for shipping and i am in no hurry

Adrian Kramarzyk
Adrian Kramarzyk

November 21, 2016

cant wait for rulebook to come out is there a chance that backers could do game testing as well?


November 21, 2016


I am interested for an additional shipment.

Thank you.


Nicholas Johnson
Nicholas Johnson

November 21, 2016

I don’t know that I’d order anything extra, but I’d certainly think about it if you did reopen the pledge manager.

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