September 14, 2015 2 min read
A bit over two weeks ago, we were scrupulously and meticulously gathering the various elements necessary to prepare the next Update. For once, we were beginning to do so quite in advance. That's because we wanted to make sure we'd meet our self-imposed deadline of outputting Updates roughly every 30 days. And then, the plan was that, after this Update, we'd leave France in early September to spend a few days at the foundry in the USA and plan the manufacturing of the TGG2 miniatures with the foundry team.
But this was August, and the gods were bored. So they thought they'd amuse themselves by wreaking havoc on our planning. They devised a cunning chain of events that forced us to jump on the first airplane out of Montpellier and rejoin our foundry team in the United States three weeks earlier than expected.
Once there, we worked very hard with the foundry. Together, we set in motion many actions that will prove a definite plus for the upcoming TGG2 production. Together, we spent two weeks analysing our sculpting and manufacturing process, reviewing the most intricate details, and devising improved methods and workflows. All this was EXTREMELY fruitful.
Needless to say, this trip delayed the renders of the finished TGG2 sculpts. However, while thoroughly jet lagged and working at decidedly strange hours now that we are back in France, we're hard at work getting those renders ready for you.
So, with all this going on, we wanted to let you know that we had to delay the full Update for a few more days because we want to show you as many new images as we can, and tell you more about our foundry trip.
Until then, please enjoy your early September days, and gleefully remind yourself that they no longer mean 'back-to-school' for you (well, perhaps for most of you, that is). Meanwhile, for more TGG goodness, check out our TGG1 Update #110, which we just published now.
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January 06, 2024 2 min read
November 27, 2023 5 min read
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
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