February 24, 2020 2 min read 3 Comments
FLASH SALE: Get the Coyote Crew 3rd box for half the price and more troopers here, for a limited time!
Nicknamed the Rambettes, our Jailbirds are very popular among Warhammer 40K players. Miniature collector and painter Johnny Kwok Sing Wong recently completed a Military Style project featuring our Jailbirds Coyote Crew Troopers on a Games Workshop' Goliath Rockgrinder, a great example on how to use Raging Heroes miniatures as proxies for other game systems.
“ These are my long time wanted figure girls in military style! " said KS Wong.
There are 20 miniatures used for this diorama, 10 for each vehicle.
" I gathered them to form two squads, to fit my two APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier, vehicles from Games Workshop). So I didn't need to make single bases for each model. I just needed to locate them to the vehicle, carrying them for a assault, rescue , hunting......or any kind of missions! "
Most of them are from our Jailbirds Coyote Crew, one of the most popular troop box of the TGG collection. We can also find the models of the three Jailbirds Heavy Weapon Teams, and one heroine: Lucky Lucy, the Jailbirds' Spotter.
" I did paint 20 Jailbirds at the same time! ( which was my first time to do this). I started to paint all faces, head, hair... then the body. For color choice, as I painted them in a typical military clothing which was quite boring in the end, I decided to put a little more effort and fun on their weapons, and that's how I ended up making them some colorful machine guns! "
You might wonder how these Raging Heroes models were able to fit well on a Games Workshop model? Thanks to our ball-joint system, allowing to customize the poses of each character:
" I started assembling the vehicles first and then added the Jailbirds troopers, and thought about what position they should take, what they are doing in that position, etc; and thanks to Raging Heroes ball-joint system, I was able to this very easily! "
And here's final result with the 20 models mounted on the vehicles:
Johnny KS Wong has other projects in the pipeline, including one with our Sci-Fi Sisters:
" I’m planning to use The Vanquishers with the new Sister of battle vehicle, to make it like a moving church or moving court. "
And based on what he has done in the past like this War Pulpit, we can't wait to see his next project!
More of his work here: https://www.instagram.com/johnny_ks_wong/
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March 05, 2020
eyelashes! are you fething kidding me!!
Incredible; I’d love to know more about your techniques and the paints you used!
February 25, 2020
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January 06, 2024 2 min read
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At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
November 23, 2023 5 min read
Rolf Hartmann
March 17, 2020
Puts the couple of squads I did as Catachans to shame (their posted under the Coyote Crew and Sniper Unit). The amount of detail on each and every model here is hard to even comprehend.