November 06, 2013 3 min read
Hi guys,
First of all, on behalf of the whole Raging Team, we want to thank you from the bottom of our heart for the tremendous positive feedback we received after the last Update.
It generated many Likes and Shares all over the web, and we have you to thank for this. Since then, we've been receiving and replying to many emails from all over the world about the TGG. The fanbase is growing, and this can only mean bigger and better things for the Raging Heroes armies!
This summer work was so hard and intensive that we have not quite fully recovered yet :) But the efforts have paid off. We absolutely wanted to show you something special, to present you with a set of top notch minis, and it looks like, for most of you, this is what happened. So once again, thank you so much for your support and your enthusiasm. It's because of you that, today, we are bringing the Raging Heroes miniatures and every things that goes with them to the next level.
However, you may have noticed that we've gone a bit quiet since then... Well, it's true, we're not the best at posting frequent updates... but this should change soon as we are in the process of recruiting a new team member, just to take care of that ! So once again, sorry for not saying “Hello” and giving some news more often. This should soon be a thing of the past.
So why haven't you heard from us? Here are some of the reasons:
We had to concentrate of the very tedious and unglamorous task of finalizing the last technical details to send the sculpts to 3D printing. More than 250 parts to be cleaned, checked, polished, double-checked, and then ran through some sort of black magic software that conform them for the 3D printer... then triple-checked.... and then quadruple-checked...
During that time, we also prepared visuals and other materials for our new German distributor Martin Ellermeier, who quite largely featured Raging Heroes at his booth at Spiel '13 in Essen, Germany, the world's largest trade fair for board games, this past Oct 24-27. Most of the Raging Heroes minis were there, and even the test 3D print of One-Shot Blondie we featured during the Kickstarter.
And also, Benoit and I finally took a week off for some much-needed vacation time. Nevertheless, during that time, the Raging Heroes office continued to buzz with activity, with Sculpt Supervisor Jean-Romain overseeing a full team of freelancers, and with the arrival of Cédric, our friend / bass player / songwriter / Russian chopper model addict / anime fan / show-swordplayer trainee, who can now add packing&shipping Raging Heroes minis to his list of credentials.
Just so you know, we are currently working on finalizing a new batch of Heroines, as well as the Lulu's! (Read more about the Lulu's and how they fit in a wargame.)
We'll be writing up a longer update very soon with many images, as well as a special treat about the KSTs (no, don't even try to guess, it is not something that was featured in the Kickstarter... but if you had not yet completely fallen for the KST girls, well, this might just tip you over to their side...). There will also be a lot of info on other topics: of course, everything about the TGG minis and your feedback and questions from the last Update, details on the upcoming Webinar, your reactions to our Dark Elves (and a word or two on the Sisters of Eternal Mercy as well), and more…
Until later,
All the best,
Mireille Raging Heroes Team
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January 06, 2024 2 min read
November 27, 2023 5 min read
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
November 23, 2023 5 min read