TGG2更新#70 - 黑暗精靈和空白精靈的故事 - Raging Heroes


4月 07, 2017 1 最小閱讀 10 評論


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在女主人公的背景故事之後,您會發現黑暗精靈 /空白精靈背景的回顧。



Sephea,刺客/冠軍Sephea 是執行者或長劍冠軍。她想成為一名血液,但她的父母還有其他計劃。他們說,她要遵循家庭傳統,即皇家皇家軍隊之一擔任執行者 /長劍冠軍。 “你不會成為這些歇斯底里的蕩婦之一!”她的母親總是說。 “有一種適當的溢出方法的方法,它與這些粗俗的bit子無關!”。






然而 Onyx 遠不止於此。她不動,她滑行。她在那里之前就走了。她罷工而沒有留下痕跡。當她的目標撞到地面時,她已經很遠了。她瘋狂的技巧背後會有一些魔力嗎?




Sinzirith,血液中的大祭司儘管他們的戰鬥動作的旋轉混亂可能表明,但血液既然在非常嚴格的層次結構內運作,並且 Sinzirith 最高的位置。






紫色吉祥物在我們的TGG1 Kickstarter中取得了巨大的成功。實際上,直到今天,他們都是我們的暢銷書。自一開始以來,我們一直想為一些原本非常黑暗的宇宙和故事增添一些樂趣,這就是吉祥物,lulus,奴才之類的角色的誕生。我們絕對打算讓所有這些小角色主演棋盤遊戲。

紫色 是神奇的禿鷹 喀沙拉夫人。她是一位老太太,擁有珍貴的舉止,並且對自己的看法很高。她低頭看著其他人。想想來自唐頓大教堂的格蘭瑟姆的伯爵夫人,你對紫羅蘭的角色有一個很好的主意...





Xarsiss,魅魔女王見面 Xarsiss,魅魔女王。如果豎琴是兇猛而惡毒的生物,您可能會猜測他們的女王是什麼樣的。除了成為敏捷戰鬥機和兇猛的殺手外,Xarsiss是一種操縱和誘人的生物,他還能夠催眠和控制最有經驗的戰士。站得太近,她會撕開你的心。




Zailith,血液vestal Secultrix


Zailith,血液vestal Secultrix血液 是一個狂野的殘酷束。像一包憤怒的貓一樣戰鬥,他們總是準備互相打開。由黑暗精靈社會的大部分地區崇拜和崇拜,覆蓋著奢侈的禮物,這些禮物本來可以為恩給人帶來好運,代表了大多數男性和許多女性精靈的終極幻想,他們過著樸素的生活,這些生活通常是短暫而殘酷的。


儘管每年都有新的兇猛和飢餓的既往挑戰,但數十年來已經過去了,目前的Secultrix仍然不敗。她的名字是 Zailith...


















在我們未來的遊戲中,請知道我們將慾望精靈視為空隙精靈軍隊的一部分,因為他們基本上是同一個人,因此,您將能夠玩,例如,只有無效的精靈,​​或者只有慾望精靈或兩者的結合。這也是為什麼我們將黃貂魚與無效精靈一起放在科幻小說中,並在幻想版本中帶有慾望精靈,因為他們所適合的角色和軍隊會有所不同,取決於幻想或sci- fi stetting,







燒毀的精靈消失了,舔傷口。他們在遙遠的土地上找到了庇護所,並尋求魔法擺脫“燒傷”。他們的大多數身體現在都是 破裂而脆弱的煤,僵硬,吱吱作響,像燒毀的樹枝一樣脆弱。幾個世紀以來,他們嘗試了所有可以找到的補救措施。最終,有效的黑魔法將燃燒消除了。但是他們的靈魂永遠無法得到安撫。






在Kickstarter廣告系列中,幻想精靈的幻想版被稱為“肉精靈”。現在,我們已經選擇使用“慾望精靈 - 幻想”和“慾望精靈 - 科幻小說”。




10 回答

Corentin Broquet
Corentin Broquet

4月 21, 2017

allez-vous étoffer les armée Chaotique aussi ?

Raging Heroes
Raging Heroes

4月 10, 2017

@CorallineAlgae @Zaid
Thanks for your great feedback on the Dark Elves background. It’s very exciting for us to feel your interest for the settings we are developing and to see that this can inspire you in how you might use your TGG minis. But more than anything, it’s great to feel these characters coming to life and to have you relate to their background. We are trying hard to stay close to the archetypes of all these races while coming up with something new that can provide a fresh and interesting twist about their story and their lives.
We will try to tell you more about all the factions we are working on as we go, but for sure you’ll learn a lot more with our upcoming TGG game…

Victorious Coleman – Shipping TGG2 I really feel you on this. Believe me, these are not empty words! The only reason why we haven't given any definitive shipping date is because right now, we are depending on the foundry's work and we are in the same situation as you are: waiting for the minis to come in. And it's very frustrating for everybody. Like we said in update #69, as soon as they finish the moulds for the Monsters and Machines, we'll be able to do a better assessment of their schedule. The minute we can give you dates and schedule, we will do so. However, if you need your shipping address to be changed at some point, please contact us directly by email at and we’ll make sure your shipment is sent to the right address. You can change it several times, or give us the dates for which the addresses are good for, and we will note it on your file.
Once again we are sorry to keep you waiting.

@Warren, @Amanda Brooke Ellis, @Veronika — The Good Elves (Sylvans / High Elves)
So, yes of course we are thinking about them and about their vegetal counterparts. It’s not something that we will do right away, but they are definitely part of the plans. Thank you Veronika for your very kind words about us making High Elves, we’ll do everything to meet your expectations (High Elves were the very first army I collected myself ;) )

@Amanda Brooke Ellis — The Void Elves Background
Yes it is true that the background of our Scifi elves is mysterious. You haven’t seen nothing yet…
The truth is that, if you follow science and technology blogs today, it increasingly seems like it’s going to be harder and harder to write science fiction and not be outdated by real life in the next following years. Technology is moving so fast that you have to really think way forward to come up with something that will hold the test of time. So yes, the Void elves are really going to be something special.

@Raymond Wiggins — Making the non-unlocked TGG minis
A few minis haven’t been unlocked during TGG1 and TGG2 and yes, they are part of our upcoming plans. Maybe not all of them will be made in the next Kickstarter, but they will see the light of day soon for sure.


4月 08, 2017

I second Warren, I would really, really love to see the positive elves you would make. At this moment I can’t imagine anyone else making nice enough models for them.

(Personal rant incoming.)
Please take the above as a compliment, but NOT as an exaggeration. When I was compiling lists of alternative models for all armies of the former Warhammer Fantasy (I’m Rowena from the Armies of Unsupported Age/ Armies of the Ninth Age blog), the elves were surprisingly ones of the more difficult armies to find. For dark elves you have now filled the void, but high elves remain a problem – one you have the best qualification to take away from us. :)


4月 07, 2017

I really appreciate having background and hierarchy with the miniatures.
The universe is better with structure, once the characters had names they had to have personalities. Once they had ranks they had to have a hierarchy. We’ll all be mod-ing or altering as we want of course, but an ‘official’ world presented by the IP can only make things better and draw in more people.



4月 07, 2017

I think world origin stories can enhance a model’s appeal.

Amanda Brooke Ellis
Amanda Brooke Ellis

4月 07, 2017

I like the back story for the fantasy elves. What a great concept to have the two forms. And it makes sense how they’d get so twisted trying to find a new way after losing their tree halves.
As for the sci-fi story it’s still vague enough I can’t say for sure how I feel about it but it’s interesting. I am always less into sci-fi stuff though. However the hologram idea to me is a little off it seems almost too much – like whoever they really are looking like is never real and the forms they take on are to me seem more demonic or just like they’ve become avatars in a video game. It does sound like you have a lot more ideas there so I’m looking forward to hearing those someday.

Victorious Coleman
Victorious Coleman

4月 07, 2017

That is nice fluff, where are my models? You post long pieces saying sorry and we are having a another delay and another delay and another. Another one. Another one.And Another one. You tell us to look at bizarre spread sheet that you want us to cross examine to see if all the different models we ordered are being made. So I ask again when will you ship me my models? I need to know as I am moving soon.If you aren’t shipping them until August tell me.If you are shipping May Tell me. If you are not shipping until next year TELL ME. I do not think it is reasonable to leave everyone waiting and I am not here to be Charlie Brown to your Lucy.

Raymond Wiggins
Raymond Wiggins

4月 07, 2017

Are there any plans to release the figures that didn’t get unlocked in the last KS?

Raging Heroes
Raging Heroes

4月 07, 2017

@Warren: It’s not in the immediate plans, but it will happen later on.


4月 07, 2017

Are you gonna make the Vegetal or non dark elves?



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