WarStages Update #23: Production Update and Other Raging News

Dear WarStager,

Well it seems that despite all our efforts to be more in contact with you, serious life events interfered with our plans and pulled us away for a while. However, everything is fine on the WarStages front but Mireille’s mother recently passed away and as you can imagine, this had a major impact on many things in our life.

So my most sincere apologies for not getting back to you earlier, but during the last two months Mireille and I were pulled into a vortex very far away from Raging Heroes.

The good thing is that it didn’t affect the work taking place on WarStages (apart from being in closer contact with you) since the rest of the WarStages process in now in the hands of our supplier and this was supervised by other members of our team.

Prototypes are coming

So what’s going on with production? Well, we are waiting for the first set of prototypes to show up. After the Chinese New Year festivities, things were a bit slow to pick up, as we had expected since various projects had accumulated in our supplier’s queue.

During that time, we nevertheless remained in contact and had several back and forth communications to make minor adjustments here and there on the layouts of several plates and on the spacing between elements.

From the most recent communications we’ve had, things are now back to normal but we were not able to get a precise new planning yet as they told us that they want to finish the prototypes before finalising the production schedule. We’ll soon have a more definitive timeline.

We should soon be able to tell you exactly how many of each of the new freebies have been added to each pledge, once they are no more changes in the files’ layout.

So as soon as we get some news on that, we’ll update you right away!

Life goes on

In the last update I told you Mireille had to urgently fly to Montreal, as her mom took a very sudden turn for the worse. I followed her a few days later. All of our Raging Heroes plans for the early year were obviously seriously thwarted.

It was a very intense and strange time because suddenly one’s life changes completely in many different and deep ways.

This kind of event truly brings with it a new perspective on everything. I know it’s cliché to say this, but I assure you it takes a whole different meaning when one goes through it. The moral would be: make sure to set up a good caring plan so that your loved one can be taken care of when they are at their weakest, make peace with your family as much as you can, and live your life to the fullest because time flies. Cliché, but so very true...

We emerged from this exhausted yet perhaps stronger at the same time. And we give our most heartfelt thanks to your kind words and emails: they do make a big difference.

The company is now slowly getting back to normal and as Spring slowly hatches, so are new Raging Heroes’ projects.

What else is happening at Raging Heroes?

Plans that had been laid out a long time ago are now coming to fruition and like we said in the previous update, 2019 is set to be full of new stuff for Raging Heroes.

Of course, nothing discussed in the rest of this update is directly WarStages-related since our work is now done and we need to wait for the supplier to do his job. But we thought you might enjoy a sneak peek of what’s happening and coming soon.

Totally new, never seen minis

As you can imagine, since the end of TGG2, we have not been idle sculpting-wise. We have been working on TGG3, but also on various other releases too.

First out of the gate, and you might have seen them already, are the Holy Blades, a new unit of All-Stars Fantasy Sisters of the Orphanage. They were released last week, and boy, did they make a killing in the web shop!

Although we think they are the best looking female paladins ever made, to be totally honest we were never sure how successful they would be.

It’s always scary to launch a new product. We’ve had great successes, but we also experienced total failures in the past, even on minis that for a long time the community had clamoured for. True, that was before our Kickstarter campaigns and we were still relatively unknown, but more often than not, releasing a new set of minis is often a gamble.

The Holy Blades are only the firsts of many more to come. The next release will be their Sci-Fi version.

If you want to know more about what’s coming next, subscribe to our Youtube channel or to our Facebook Painting Group as we will soon release a video there sharing more about our future release plans.

Real-Time 3D Applications!!

In the last update, we told you about our plans starting to work with a video game real-time 3D engine.

We were supposed to start in early March, but since Mireille and I were away, we had to postpone. So we started this past Tuesday.

The thing with video game engines today is that they can do much more than video games. In fact you can make things like architectural visualisation, movies, apps and much much more!

We have two developers joining the team for a few months, and possibly more on the way, and we hope you’ll soon be able to experiment the very first Raging Heroes’ app.

What will it do? Well, this is fairly top secret at this stage. But the feelers that we've sent out have garnered some very exciting feedback on the concept we are working on and it came from top level people in the hobby, so it’s a good sign, but we don’t want the idea to be copied right away. So more about this soon, but not yet...

But we can say this: the sure thing is that you’re going experiment the Raging Heroes characters in a new dynamic and exciting way!

Painting Contest and lot of painting-related stuff

We already told you about the Painting Contest we had in mind quite some time ago. Well it’s getting closer now.

As you probably know, we now have a very lively Facebook painting group that keeps on growing every day and now the web platform we developed for the contest is nearly ready to go.

We are also in the process of starting to work with very well-known painters to make all sorts of tutorials and other cool stuff.

We are working on developing a full ecosystem to support you in your painting and hobby projects.

The Game, New Scenery Tests

As I noted in the last update, the experience we gained with WarStages has been invaluable in developing the TGG game scenery. Not only are we exploring new grounds on how scenery can be built and used, we are also finding new ways to make the scenery a more integral part of the gameplay and the scenarios.

Our goal is to bring a much stronger cinematic feel in how the scenery is staged so that you get a more dramatic atmosphere from your small skirmish games to your bigger, epic ones.

Once again, it’s frustrating not to be able to share more: we’ve managed to distill our ideas into simple yet powerful concepts, so we’d hate to see it copied before we officially introduce it. So we can’t show anything at this stage, but be assured that we are documenting our process and we’ll share the behind-the-scenes as soon as possible.

Logistics 2.0

We recently partnered with Noël, a new collaborator who has already had an impact on our logistics department.

He's come onboard for a few months to streamline and better implement all our logistics’ processes. In just a few weeks, he’s already made a big difference and significantly freed us from the day-to-day management of this department, a huge time-saver for us.

Once he is done with that department, there's no telling what else he will do, but we can't wait!


We are getting more and more requests from cosplayers who want to dress as Raging Heroes characters.

You’ve already seen some of these projects on our website, and more are coming in.

The last one was from Monica from Geeks a Gogo who chose to portray Arthenya VI the ArchPapess and who attracted so much attention at the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay that the Chicago Tribune, the biggest Chicago newspaper wrote a full article about her work. You can learn more about that project here.

By the way, if you wish to contact us about cosplaying Raging Heroes' characters, don't hesitate to contact us via email at comlink[at]ragingheroes.com.

Wrap up

And so that is all for today. We know that you are waiting for more news about when you’ll receive your WarStages treasures. Be certain that as soon as we get more precise information from China, we’ll relay it to you right away.

We thank you again for your patient support in this endeavour. We can’t wait to have new stuff to show you from the manufacturer and send them your way.

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