Video: the Furiann Archers ready for battle!

Video: the Furiann Archers ready for battle!

Here comes the new Blood Tribes release: the Furiann Archers:

Packs with Xar-Kahli, The Wrath Caster

Get the Furiann Archers + this new beast in the Savage Marauders or Feral Marauders packs. Here's a closer look at Xar-Kahli:

Packs with Xeryell, Avatar of the Dominion of Hatred

Also we've upgraded the Circle of Destruction Packs, look for variant E and you'll be able to get the Furiann Archers along with big models like Xeryell. To give you a better idea, here's what she looks like:

Painting your Furianns

Looking for ideas and inspiration? Take a look at this gallery featuring the 10 Furianns troopers painted:

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