Satyrs: Angandel and Ohntrall (July 2020 - Heroes Infinite 3D Printable)

NOTE: This post is related to Heroes Infinite, our Patreon Campaign for 3D Printable figurines. What's a Patreon? It's a membership platform where you - as a patron - support artists and creators: subscribe to our project and get access to new files and content every month! Learn more about this project here!

Satyrs: Angandel and Ohntrall (July 2020)

Today we're looking at these two nature spirits, part-man, part beast: the Satyrs! Meet Angandel and Ohntrall.

Enchanted Tricksters

Satyrs are definitely a playful lot. They embody life and all of its pleasures.

More than anything, Satyrs are playful tricksters, and their tricks are often played at the expense of the forest's visitors and outsiders...

But who knows, they might also guide you to some of the most enchanted and magical experiences you could have in the depths of the forest. What will happen when you meet them is forever a guessing game...


And here are a few photos from our Patrons, thanks for sharing!

Photos: Dave Walker, Sajan Prints, Yeray González Castellano

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