New Release: The Furiann Shaman has arrived!

Invoke the Ancients Spirits: Xar-Khali Released!

Summoning forces of darkness past, Xar-Kahli the Wrath Caster weaves the spirits of the Ancients with the blood of vanquished ennemies to unleash terrible storms of wrath and fury upon the Furianns' opponents. On her magical staff, skulls pulsate and shriek as from their eyes and mouths pours the blood of slain enemies. Only Xar-Kahli can shape this unholy flow into a whirlwind of wrath and death. Be ready to face the Furianns' rage...

Packs & Deals: get them all and spread terror with the Barbarians!

The Blood Tribes collection is expanding with this new release so we've got 2 new specially-priced packs for you:

Check out all Furianns packs: great savings for a great army!

Painting the Furianns as Mordheim Warband

Need a bit of inspiration on how to use or paint your models? Check out this blog post featuring the Furianns!

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