Arcadian Elves Wave 2 !

Soaring above the battlefield

The roaring of Jetbikes can be heard as masked Furies launch onto the battlefield to fight with their Arcadian brothers and sisters. Yar Kriss’ mask unleashes a howl never heard before!

Watch as a troop of Skull Dancers glide at the command of Mar-Kerr’n to reap the souls of enemies who dare to stand against the Arcadians!

These exquisite high quality resin models are part of the second wave of our Arcadian Elves Line for the Raging Heroes shop.

Our incredible artists and sculptors have carefully crafted each model so that they will fit in with any existing army you have, or you can create an army entirely out of Arcadian Elves!

These models were previously released on Heroes Infinite for the 3D Printing Community, and we decided to bring them to our physical miniatures shop! You can check out both releases:

Arcadian Elves and Arcadian Elves 2 at Heroes Infinite and share it with your 3D printing friends!

Click on the link below to check out these miniatures and ship them TODAY!

Arcadian Elves Collection

PS : other place, other time yet still heroes, read "Who are the Paladin Knights of the Eternal Light?"

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