More WIP images of the Fantasy Kurganovas

Edit (Nov. 10): The three von Königsmark sisters and their dog Walter are now available for pre-order!

Please scroll down for more images of all three sisters...
The youngest one:

As we did with slavic countries for the SF versions, we now want to ask our German-speaking friends to find the three sisters' mottos. (Edit Nov. 8: Contest is over)

But we also want to make their names and their surnames more Germanic, so we would like suggestions for names for each of the sisters, as well as a Germanized version of their family name (we are thinking along the lines of Von Kurgan-something...).

As always, we are also listening to your suggestions about their equipment and weaponry.
Please let us know if you feel they are missing something…
Please scroll down for more images and survey...

The middle one:

The eldest one:

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