Our 10 Blood Vestals now on Preorder

We are proud to announce that our 10 Blood Vestals are now available for pre-order!

Limited Introductory Offer
By popular demand, we have EXTENDED our special low launch price reserved for an additional 100 Blood Vestals boxes and 25 Command Group boxes.
We extended it because several people wrote to us and said that had missed the opportunity because they had not connexion over the weekend, so we thought it would be nice to take that into account and extend it to the workweek...

The Command Group box contains 1 Heroine, 1 Musician and 1 Standard Bearer as well as 2 additional Warriors.

The Blood Vestals box contains 5 more different Warriors.

Together, the Blood Vestals + Command Group total up 10 different characters.
They are 28mm scale and an excellent fit with most major Fantasy games.
Each Blood Vestal is a one-part metal cast.

Thank you for your feedback!
We not only worked non-stop this entire week to finalize our Blood Vestals and have them available for pre-order this weekend, but we also spent much time reading all your comments on our blog and on other forums, and have taken them to heart. Several topics were recurrent, so we've specifically addressed them below.

Proportions and scale
After your massive feedback asking for 28-30mm scale minis, we have scaled our Vestals accordingly.
Many were also concerned about proportions and the head size, and we worked hard on this as well to get the best possible balance between true scale and heroic proportions so that the minis can make a good fit with the minis you already own, and we are pretty happy with what we've achieved on this.

We feel they will now fit extremely well with the industry's Fantasy games.

Based on some of your comments, we have carefully selected which Vestals would go into the command Group, and which would be in the Troops box.

We chose the more dynamic poses for the Troops.
You'll also notice that several of the characters in the Troops box have their arms and weapons away from their body. This gives you the option of slightly bending them or even replace weapons to create new poses.
And three of the five Vestals have a pose that is more of a profile view. This allows you to have them looking to the right, the left, or straight ahead, depending how you position them on their base.

As for the two soldiers in the Command Group, they have more hieratic, still poses that we felt worked well to add charisma to the Command Group.

Uncovered breasts
We were completely taken by surprise by the strong reactions this topic generated, particularly since major industry players have always and continue to produce bare-chested ladies (such as GW harpies played in Dark Elf armies).

Nevertheless, we studied several options to try and keep everyone happy. The only option that could have worked for us was to produce optional armoured caps to glue on the breasts, but then, we realized that they would have been about 1,5mm wide and pretty much unworkable. A tiny bit of greenstuff will do a much better job.

It is now certain that we will produce a science-fiction version of this unit. We will soon post an online questionnaire on our blog to get a more precise feedback in terms of equipment and accessories for them.
If you wish to know more about this, sign up for our newsletter, friend us on Facebook (Asharah Raging), or join our Facebook fan page.

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