%月 %日, %年 1 最小阅读 留言
注意:这篇文章与 英雄无限,我们为3D可打印小雕像的Patreon运动。什么是Patreon?这是一个会员平台,您(作为赞助人)支持艺术家和创作者:订阅 我们的项目并每个月访问新文件和内容!了解有关该项目的更多信息 这里!
您准备好这次新冒险了吗?调高音量,将视频全屏放在和我们身边,让我们一起在迷人的森林中走在一起,并会见2020年7月的所有角色: 迷人森林的夏季仙女
女王西尔·艾里亚(Queen Syl-Iriah),国王安达翁(King Antarion)和夏季仙女(The Summer Fairies)欢迎您进入他们的神奇世界。我们确实在这个版本中浮出水面,有太多好事要做。因此,这是一个超级出色的版本 18型型号,其中3个很大! 这实际上是双重版本!!!
%月 %日, %年 2 最小阅读
%月 %日, %年 5 最小阅读
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
%月 %日, %年 5 最小阅读
Jonathan Usmar
%月 %日, %年
Love your sculpts as always.
Will any of these be making their way onto your miniatures store eventually? Some of the pirates have already and I snapped them up.
If you’re not planning to make/sell them yourselves, have you considered adding a “merchant” tier to your patreon so others can sell the minis on etsy/etc.?
I would buy a number of these minis, but I don’t have anywhere to set up a 3D printer so STLs aren’t much use to me.