decembrie 14, 2018 1 Min Citește 2 Comentarii
Archpapess Arthenya vi este disponibil fie în fantezie, fie în știință-ficțiune.
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decembrie 17, 2018
I love this so much! Thank you for posting more information about her. I always find her character so facinating.
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ianuarie 06, 2024 2 Min Citește
noiembrie 27, 2023 5 Min Citește
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
noiembrie 23, 2023 5 Min Citește
Patrick McCloud
decembrie 19, 2018
TMBSG “The Most Beautiful Sculpts in the Galaxy”! I appreciate the background info on Arthenya. It’s nice to hear about the various models and I would love to hear more! Being a RH/TGG rookie and living in the States any info available would be great so I can spread the word to gamers I know. I’m a happy RH customer and would love to bring more to your wonderful company.