TGG2アップデート#69 - コメントアップデート - Raging Heroes


4月 02, 2017 1 最小読みます 21 コメント












幸せな支援者 /不幸な支援者







下のテキストの大きな壁には申し訳ありません。それを短くするために、私たちはコメント自体を再コーピングしていませんが、簡単に読むことができます ここ そして ここ。答えは自明です。 


  • あなたが何かに満足していないとき(誤ったキャスト、あなたの出荷に何かが欠けている、他の何か)、効果的な解決のために、私たちにメールを送って、私たちがあなたの問題を解決する方法を一緒に考えてみましょう。ほとんどの場合、簡単な解決策があります。すべての質問を追跡し、ソーシャルメディアについて適切な答えを得ることを確認することはほぼ不可能であるため、解決策に必要以上に長く待つことを感じていると感じるリスクがあります。ただ 私たちにメールを送って ragingheroesteam@gmail.comで、私たちは支援するためにあらゆることをします。

  • ファウンドリーは私たちに十分な在庫を送ってきたので、前回のアップデートで計画されているように、モンスターとマシン、マウントされた騎士団、ケンタウル人は今後10〜15日で出荷されます。

  • マウントされた騎士とケンタウル人にはいくつかの型の問題がありました。そのため、出荷 それらの遅延があります。これは現在解決されています。今後数日でプロトタイプキャストを取得します。

  • ファウンドリーは来週モンスター&マシンで動作し始めています。その後、彼らは金属のヒロインをします。モンスターとマシンの型の準備が整うとすぐに、金属のミニをいつ期待するかについての時刻表をよりよく提供できるようになります。



@Greg Osborn:







TGG2はKickstarterプロジェクトであるともう一度言わなければなりません。定義上、Kickstarter Webサイトのまさに条件から、Kickstarterプロジェクトは予約注文キャンペーンであってはなりません。それが意味することは、支援者が現実になりたいと思うプロジェクトの支持者として行動することです。


これは、リスクと課題のセクションでこれが間違いなくプロジェクトであり、多くのことが起こる可能性があることを書いたこの正確な理由のためです。スパイダーマザーと他の大きなミニチュアのいくつかは、プロジェクト中に、それらのミニチュアをより大きくし、自分自身を余分なコストを吸収することを選択したため、一生に一度の取引になります。悪い(あなたの一部にとってカビのリリースの問題のように、余分な遅延のように... ...)。

そう、キャンペーンの開始時に発表したように、海は荒れている可能性があります。しかし、私たちは前進し、問題を1つずつ進みます。もちろん、それは非常にイライラする可能性があり、外部から、誰かがコメントセクションで言ったように感じることができます。しかし、これらの12と25のミニをすべて組み合わせると、450を超えるさまざまなミニチュアが設計および彫刻され、300,000を超える個別のキャストになります。良いニュースは、私たちが今2/3以上に近づいていることですrd 出荷されたTGG2の報酬の。そして、残りは途中です。





最後に、約1つのミニチュアが宣伝されているよりも小さく、もう一度、私に連絡して、より具体的にしてください。今、私はこれであなたを助けることができません:(私はあなたの報酬の選択を見ました、そして私はあなたがケンタウロスのヒロインについて話していると想像します。モデルは予想よりも大きかったためです。 サイズチャート、ケンタウロスのヒロインの身長は5cm未満です。実際のミニチュアは、レンダリングのようにポーズをとったときに約7 cmの高さになりました。

何でも計画よりも小さくなってしまったことに驚くでしょう。 サイズチャート 私たちが予想していたよりも大きくて、ほとんどすべてが終わりました。



@Anne Laure:



私はこの名前だけであなたのアカウントを見つけることができません、 また、メールアドレスはレコードにあるものと一致していないため、直接メールでお問い合わせください。以下に金属製のミニチュアに関する詳細情報があります。

@Bill Redford:

@John Connelly:


@mirko、 @KévinGuillotin、 @Harlad Bussing:

鋳造がどれだけ速く動作するかに依存するため、いつ私たちがそれらを出荷できるかについて、あなたにしっかりした日付を与えるのは非常に難しいです。ファウンドリーは来週モンスターとマシンの作業を開始しますが、これらは 大きくて複雑な作品なので、私があなたに見積もりを与えることは不可能です。この計画は、シャアのアバターが彼らが取り組んでいる最初のものになることであると言うことができます。

もっと具体的になれたらいいのにと思います。しかし、金型が完了して検証されるまで、タイミングを評価するのは困難です。私が知るだろう 金型が終わったらもっと。私たちは引き続きアップデートを介してファウンドリの進捗を共有し続けますが、何らかの理由でいつでも連絡することをheしないでください。


こんにちはクリス、あなたがこの問題を抱えていることを本当に残念に思います。以前の更新を読んだ場合、すでにこの状況に対処しています。他の人よりも掃除が難しいいくつかのバッチがあり、樹脂と放出エージェントのサプライヤーとの徹底的な調査にもかかわらず、誰もこれを原因で発見することができなかったようです。ただし、ほとんどの場合、この問題は、詳細に説明できるクリーニングとプライミングのガイドラインに従って徹底的に解決しました。 このビデオ TGGミニを準備する方法に関する他のヒントとともに。





マンティスに問題があったことを残念に思います。これを読んでいる人のために、私たちはすでにこの状況に@superschrubberで電子メールで直接対処していることを知ってください。マンティスが繊細なミニチュアのセットであり、正しい方法に近づかないと、操作するのが難しいことがあります。その状況を世話するために、私たちは マンティスの特定のビデオ それはあなたがマンティスや他の激しいヒーローのミニを準備し、準備するとき、あなたが最高の結果を得るのに役立ちます。 





@todd m ferrullo、@corallinealgae:


もう待ちたくない場合は、いつでもメールでお問い合わせください。 そして、あなたの金属のヒロインを樹脂に切り替えます。または、報酬の選択に在庫がある他のものを受け取りたい場合は、購入できます 追加の出荷 たとえば、オプションを選択します あなたが今在庫を持っているものは何でも:このオプションを購入してから1〜10日間、私たちが持っているものすべてをあなたの報酬選択から出荷します。残りは、残りのすべてのアイテムが利用可能になると発送されます。このページにアクセスするためにサインインすることを忘れないでください。



@Bill Redford:



21 反応

Steven Remington
Steven Remington

4月 13, 2017

No big worries, just want to make sure that I get those models with the rest of what I’ve ordered when they’re available. I’m quite pleased with the quality of the models I’ve received already from this and your previous Kickstarter.

Simon Webb
Simon Webb

4月 04, 2017

Amazing drop-dead gorgeous models can’t be rushed.
I haven’t started painting the first batch, so like Max, I am in no rush to get the remainder of my order.

I am in awe of the models you make, so please keep doing what you’re doing at the level you are doing it at ?

Andrew Disbrow
Andrew Disbrow

4月 04, 2017

I would like to know when my 2nd shipment s coming the bulk of my order is still not in and I believe you have sent 2 or 3 shipments out.. YOU assured us that it would NOT be an epic shipping issue like TGG1, YOU said the foundry stuff was all worked out this time.. here it is 2 years+overdue and I do not have all of my figures… Love the figures i did get, love teh Figures i got with TGG1 but very disillusioned with your company and the BROKEN promises you made..
Josh Bakker
Josh Bakker

4月 04, 2017

While I, like others, are impatient with the delays, it is because I want to see these models and work on them. The reason I don’t complain is because I know and understand the manufacturing process and how things can, and will, happen to cause delays.
The first wave were great models.
I contacted your team about my freebies not being included and was promptly rectified.
I also ordered models from the main site, and received a very miscast one (head from neck up was completely absent). I contacted your team, and was immediately shipped a fully cast replacement.
I can’t wait to receive the rest of my order, but I will because I know it is worth it.
The team has been awesome with any issues, campaign models or not.
Unfortunately you can’t please everyone, and some people will never be happy even if you’re bending over backwards for them after giving them the shirt off of your back.

Keep up the great work.


4月 03, 2017

I received part of my order last year but I have had too many problems with the miniatures I have already received to have much confidence in the rest of my order, of which I spent $900 (Orders #2220339, #2222940, #2220236). I’ve scrubbed the miniatures thoroughly following the instructions posted but am not able to get rid of the greasy film covering most of the models. The miniatures I was sent are flimsy, brittle, and poor quality. Many of them have broken parts due to the heavy amount of scrubbing in effort to degrease them, the aggravating sprue design, and the fragility of the miniatures themselves. They are sub-standard quality and, for me at least, unpaintable and an incredible waste of time and money.
I am aware there was a change in design to correct these issues for future shipments but that does not fix the problems with the shipment I have already received. Is there a willingness to replace models for the people who received the problem batches in their first shipment?

nicolas cantin
nicolas cantin

4月 03, 2017

I have had issues once. Ask your team directly, before I got the time to send a pic of the broken part, you had already prepared the package, whereas I didn’t ask for a replacement, just how to repair it. Your team is amazing, the project is crazy, and the delay is not a bother when you want quality. I think most people are pleased and understand when you can’t get thing in time. But most of them wants the quality that you offer. I hope you will always keep that in mind.

Good luck, I can’t wait to have my minis. Take care!

Lewis Terry
Lewis Terry

4月 03, 2017

Thank you for the update. I had a slight issue with the cast on the first figure you sent and you sorted the issue within a week. It saddens me to see that you have to deal with so much upset. Thank you for the fine work. Keep it up and I look forward to my miniatures when they arrive in due course.

Kévin Guillotin
Kévin Guillotin

4月 03, 2017

Nice update :) Must be tough for you, but you got my support :) Many people forget that this is a KickStarter, that there is delay, due to other KS in the same time, for example with the factory in China, and their new years events.
Personnaly I didn’t had any problems with the first shipment which included the freebies, just a bit fragile to assemble, but no big deal, even with the coat on them, just followed the instructions (let it out for a week before anything) and voila!
The delay, well, that’s my fourth KS, so well, I don’t really care, the delays are normal and waited. Dropfleet commander was late, not too much, but still. Arcadia Quest Masmorra was late by a few months, Dark Souls is getting shipped in this moment. Well shit happens, that’s normal.
Thanks you for the reply about the painting, can you give us the recipe about the gold nmm? :) I personnaly use the one Giraldez made in the box he released some times ago, which is really cool! And I’m really happy about the color scheme based on nmm for the sisters, I really want to buy and collect battle sisters proxy :)
I’m so hypped for the Avatar, can’t wait haha I have some project with her, and I would love to do some tattoos like Illidan from Warcraft :)

Ray "AcroRay"
Ray "AcroRay"

4月 03, 2017

I have no problem with the delays. In fact, I was happy that you used the time to allow some additional length on the open pledge manager. I’ve also found the details in your posts about the challenges & solutions along your product development path to be very interesting and educational for my miniature modelling hobby experiences. I’ve really enjoyed them. As a supporter of the ongoing product development & public relations disaster that was the Robotech RPG Tactics product Kickstarter (going on 4 YEARS behind schedule), TGG2’s schedule and detailed, technically-enlightening updates is a much, much more positive experience! Cheers!

Kevin McKenzie
Kevin McKenzie

4月 03, 2017

I love your minis but I am alittle unhappy because I have now been a backer twice the first time I waited on the werewolves( wave 3). I was worried that I would have the same experiance on the second one. I am waiting on 1 model to be finished to get my order when I get to see other peoples paint jobs.


4月 03, 2017

I still havent done anything with the minis I got for your first kickstarter.. im hardly worried about delays in this one!
I know they’ll arrive & I know they’ll be amazing.

Thanks for all the great work!

Amanda Ellis
Amanda Ellis

4月 02, 2017

I honestly have no problem with the delays as I fully expected the huge project to have a lot of twists and turns to accomplish. I appreciate all the communication you guys try and give and for me I am just looking forward to the minis as they come. I have a busy life so I really sort of forget about it all till I get the update emails. The minis I’ve gotten so far look sweet and I haven’t even had time to put any together or even think of painting them yet! I did want to give the big avatar to my BF for birthday/Christmas but if it turns out to be next Christmas that’s ok with me as it seems such a great value. Thanks again and hang in there. :)


4月 02, 2017

I’m glad to see a serious response to many of the questions a lot of us were concerned about. I still don’t understand why an update with no pictures couldn’t be posted on the Kickstarter.

Ben Alchin
Ben Alchin

4月 02, 2017

When I received my last shipment for the TGG1 kickstarter it was completely wrong.

I contacted Raging Heroes by email, they sent out a total replacement the next day and arranged collection of the wrongly-sent models.

What more can you ask?

I’ve moved house, country and hemisphere during the TGG2 shipping process and won’t be at the address I’d registered with for my final shipment.

I contacted Raging Heroes by email and they verified my identity then updated my shipping address with no argument.

What more can you ask?

Brian Shefrin
Brian Shefrin

4月 02, 2017

worth the wait, just keep it up guys!

Greg Osborn
Greg Osborn

4月 02, 2017

Thanks for the update guys. I was just very confused by the shipping notice with my previous tracking number. When I emailed about it, the response said there was bug in your system and that there wasn’t a tracking number for the order. Was just looking for some clarification. Thank you you for the info.

Eric Marchand
Eric Marchand

4月 02, 2017

I understand your explanation and certainly appreciate your point of view but let’s put everything in perspective. Project have been successfully funded on April 2015… I get my first shipments on August 2016 and I’m still waiting the second part of it and we are in April 2017…Mean 2 years…. That is not what I expected as a timeline. I believe you were good on communication, quality of the miniatures that I received were also good, design were incredible, miscast and cleaning issues I can accept that , but that kind of delays I can’t.

When you have to use th Risks and Challenges section to justify yourselves for me it’s the beginning of the end. Certainly good and enough for lawyers but not for your backers. I think you need as a group to rethink size of your future projects. If you don’t have the structure to support it, reduce the size of it or increase your internal ressources to get a reasonable timeline to be respectful of your backers.

Your success as a group is based on your reputation, and the most important questions that you need to ask yourselves: Does the actual backers are satisfy and will again back us in a future project ? Are we accountable in this situation ? When they will talk about us in their community what will be their comments about us ? What can we do to as group to solve the actual situation ?

Thanks !

Todd M Ferrullo
Todd M Ferrullo

4月 02, 2017

I have to say that update is some serious attempt at spin doctoring due to negative feedback. Apparently enough of it, contrary to what they are attempting to say, that there was a need for this update in the first place.
To be honest, at this point, the fact that estimates can not even be given on the Monsters and Machines let alone the metal heroines just smacks of an unprofessional operation; as every other manufacturer would be able to do such by now. I am not even saying that it is Raging Heroes fault but the foundry being used is clearly second rate.
Quite honestly, giving us advice on how to clean the clearly faulty product with the release agent problems and then saying that it will not happen again is not really dealing with the issue. Sending out replacements would be. I did sent them a PM about the issue before posting in a public forum and was just given the standard “here is how to clean them” canned response, even after stating that those did not work.

Bill Redford
Bill Redford

4月 02, 2017

Yes got the bulk of my stuff Friday. They are lovely minis. I like the new sprue design. The detail is great. I have but 3 together.

My frustration was never about the quality. Which is excellent, but the delay. I did not like that the original plan was to ship in March but a couple days before March ended the delivery changed to unknown. The unknown part was the kicker. But it was also my mistake as I did not realize additional shipping could stil be purchased.

Anyway, I am very pleased with the minis I have gotten. Also really pleased with the customer service.

So I am complete except for the knights. And am Happy. Thanks again, Bill.

phillip smith
phillip smith

4月 02, 2017

with the speed i paint. im happy that the second half of my order is taking this long. I have almost finisehed the Mantis warriors. So if the next batch comes in the next month or so i might be ready for them

Craig Gaddis
Craig Gaddis

4月 02, 2017

Wow…I got my shipment with relatively few issues…quite pleased with the most recent batch of TGG miniatures. Sorry to hear that some folks had and have problems, but such is the nature of business.



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