First ARCADIAN ELVES now released!

When all has failed and all hope is lost,
you need the power of light to bring back victory!

We are now releasing our first wave of high-quality resin miniatures of Arcadian Elves in our Raging Heroes shop!

Our Arcadian Elves have been a MASSIVE success with our 3D printing community Heroes Infinite. so much so that we actually had 2 releases: Arcadian Elves AND Arcadian Elves 2. In fact, if you own a 3D printer or know someone who does, check them out :)

And today, we are beginning the release of this ALL NEW army for our physical resin miniatures range!

This is only the beginning, and you will soon be able to build a whole army of these amazing space elves.

Our artists and sculptors absolutely outdid themselves on this army: the design of the weaponry and armor, the attitude of the characters, and the overall feel of this army is sure to stand out on the battlefield in a way that will make everyone exclaim in delight (and drool with envy).

Don’t delay, check out these new miniatures and be the first to get this army on your tabletop!

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