TGG2 - UPDATE #31: Oh Yes! More Sculpts!

Welcome to Update #31 for the TGG2: Light & Darkness Kickstarter campaign!
(You can still Pledge on our special page, but hurry, there's little time left).

In the last Update for the TGG2 Kickstarter, we told you that for the next few weeks, we would focus mainly on the massive endeavour of preparing a very large batch of miniatures for printing and that, therefore, you would probably not get so many pictures of new sculpts in today's Update.

Well, guess what? We beat our own forecast !

And so, today, we don't have 1, or 2, or 10 new sculpts, we have 30 of them!

And on top of that, 6 of them are bonus unlocks! (Scroll down for important details)

During these past few weeks, we started to implement the new workflow we want to use for the sculpting of the Troops. As you may have noticed, most of the Heroines are now sculpted or nearly sculpted. So Troops are the next big part of the TGG2 project, and we'll tell you more about that in this Update.

Oh, and by the way, the 3D print preparation we did since the last Update means that many 3D prints are now coming in and will begin flowing to the foundry in the next few days. And this means that the manufacturing of the TGG2 is about to become a full-time thing!!!

Completed Sculpts

Below are the renders for these 30 completed sculpts:

  • Tobias (Sisters Mascot – Freebie)
  • 5 Daughters of the Orphanage (Sisters – Fantasy – All Star Command)
  • 5 Daughters of the Orphanage (Sisters – Fantasy – All Star Troops)
  • 3 Stingrays - Command Group (Lust Elves – Fantasy – Troops)
  • 3 Stingrays - Command Group (Void Elves – SciFi – Troops)
  • Bonus Unlock: 3 Stingrays - Troops (Lust Elves – Fantasy – Troops)
  • Bonus Unlock: 3 Stingrays - Troops (Void Elves – SciFi – Troops)
  • Varanith, Draahk Rider Heroine (Dark Elves – Fantasy)
  • 3 Draahk Riders (Dark Elves – Fantasy – Command)
  • 3 Draahk Riders (Dark Elves – Fantasy – Troops)

Tobias (Sisters Mascot – Freebie)

Tobias is the next-to-last Freebie to be finished. This means that we only have to do a bit more work on Ardanna (Sister) to have all the Freebies ready for manufacturing. This is an important step because we wanted to have all the Freebies done before we would start working on the Pledge Manager.

→ Tobias (Sisters Mascot – Freebie)

Want a mascot now?
Check out Charlie, Harry and Jinx.

Stingrays + Bonus Unlocks

During the Kickstarter campaign, only the Command boxes of the Fantasy Lust Elves Stingrays and the Sci-Fi Void Elves Stingrays were unlocked. However, when we started sculpting them, it was obvious that if we wanted to make the diorama/composition effect like we had done with the Draahk Riders (see below), we had to work with 6 of them at once for each faction.

But from a dollar point of view, we cannot go on unlocking everything that wasn't unlocked during the campaign... The reason for that is that, as much as we'd like to create every miniature for which we created a concept, the cost of sculpting/3D printing/moulding each miniature is significant. That's what we have Stretch Goals for.

So what we are likely to do with these Stingray bonus unlocks is keep them in the Kickstarter but price them somewhere between the Command Box Kickstarter pricing and the corresponding retail pricing.

→ 6 Stingrays - Command and Troops (Lust Elves – Fantasy – Troops)

→ 6 Stingrays - Command Group and Troops (Void Elves – SciFi – Troops)

Want more Elves now?
We have Fantasy Dark Elves,
Sci-Fi Void Elves,
Wood Elves allies,
and Chaotic forces, too!

Daughters of the Orphanage

After the Sci-Fi Daughters of the Crucible, here are their Fantasy counterparts, the Daughters of the Orphanage. Check out their absolutely unique Standard Bearer featuring Tim, Tam and Tom on their wooden horse. And get ready to be deafened by the Musician character, Cook Gudrun Du Four with orphans who make noises one could call barely music to call everybody in for lunch and dinner.

In remembrance of French Chivalry, we chose to give the Daughters of the Orphanage somewhat French-inspired names. In fact, most of the first names we gave them come from the plays of Molière. Since most of these names might be hard to pronounce in languages other than French, we included a home-made English phonetic translation, which may give you an edge at your Friendly Local Gaming Store when you start using your new French accent...

→ 5 Daughters of the Orphanage (Sisters – Fantasy – All Star Command)

→ 5 Daughters of the Orphanage (Sisters – Fantasy – All Star Troops)

Complete your Fantasy army
with our Imperial range NOW

Draahk Riders and Varanith, their Leader

We are extremely happy with how the Draahk Riders turned out. We love their vicious and yet imperious character. On top of that, they are also a proof-of-concept for something we've been wanting to do for a long time. We always had this vision of creating rank-and-file units that would somehow look like dioramas bursting with energy and motion.

It's a lot of work to create such a big composition in which the pose of each mount + rider complements the rest of the unit. We think it will look quite different from a regular rank-and-file unit on your gaming table.

At the same time, we made sure that you would have no problem placing the Draakh Riders side-by-side with their 25x50 mm (standard cavalry) bases touching.

Also, we made these as multi-part miniatures so that you could alter their posing and create your own versions. However, please take note that each set of leg will only fit one specific Draakh body. Nevertheless, thanks to our ball-joint system, this is a very small limitation to the crazy number of poses you can create with these kits.

→ Varanith, Draahk Rider Heroine (Dark Elves – Fantasy)

Varanith will make an awesome leader for your Draakh unit. Please note that she stands on a 50x50 mm base.

→ 3 Draahk Riders (Dark Elves – Fantasy – Command)

→ 3 Draahk Riders (Dark Elves – Fantasy – Troops)

Want more Elves now?
We have Fantasy Dark Elves,
Sci-Fi Void Elves,
and Wood Elves allies,
and Chaotic forces, too!

What's next

So, after a very productive and constructive month of October, we are now ready to move full speed ahead into our troops sculpting workflow. What this means is that a lot will be accomplished within the next 6-8 weeks. But it also means that the way we assign people to jobs will change and this might have an impact on how we will release the next Update. This new workflow will be very effective, but it may need to ramp up before we have finalised results to show you.

This means that our next monthly Update, will feature news and info, but possibly little to no new renders until full units can be shown. But please don't be disappointed, because things are really gearing up well, and the results of this new pipeline are bound to be very exciting!

Pre-order our new TGG1 releases and Save!

Last month, we released the Jailbirds Troops and Command together with 3 Iron Empire Heroines: Lieutenant Drakkan (IE Iron Storm Officer), W101 (IE Cyberzombie Bodyguard),Kristina Karlstein (IE Armoured Division) as well as 3 KST Heroines: Nurse Karoline (KST Field Medic), Karmina Noxx (KST Elite Sniper), Aaqila Noyakin (KST Heavy Gunner).

And now, we are opening pre-orders for
the Iron Empire Regular Troops and Command. They are now called the Reapers. We are also releasing 3 Jailbird Heroines: Cruz (JB Heavy Gunner), Mimi the Radio (JB), Lucky Lucy (JB Spotter), as well as 3 KST Heroines: Volga Potemkine (KST Army Standard), Ludmilla Magdanova (KST Strategist), Katrina Zerga (KST Tank Stopper). Shipping for those will begin November 4, 2015.

We've again included savings of up to 15%, and by popular request, we are maintaining our popular promotion: Orders over 50 € get a set of our 5 very popular TGG1 beer mats.

PRE-ORDER NOW! The first 200 orders can get an additional 5% off on their total order with the code NovPreOrder in our webshop. I repeat: PRE-ORDER NOW!!!

Click on the images to go directly to our webshop.

Get all of this month's new releases and save 15%!

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