TGG2 - UPDATE #10 – New Freebie + Cool Stretch Goals + Free Upgrades to the DE Spear(wo)men + more ...

New Freebie: Zailith, Blood Vestal Secultrix

Zailith is one of the highest ranking Dark Elves Blood Vestals. You can look, but don't touch!

Upcoming Stretch Goals

Here are the upcoming Stretch Goals. We think they are pretty sexy... Let's get all your friends and fellow gamers, collectors, painters and role-players involved to make this the most exciting week-end of the campaign!


Free Upgrades for Dark Elves Spearmen

You will see that in the upcoming Stretch Goals, there are Free Upgrades for the Dark Elves Spearmen (shouldn't we really be calling them Spearwomen, by the way?). With these Free Upgrades, the Spearmen will become available in 2 additional alternative versions: Crossbowmen and Swordsmen!

So, in the upcoming Pledge Manager, you will be able to select different boxes, as each version will come in its own box of 5. So, to be clear, a single box will not contain the 3 different options.

Lust Elves Mascot Update

Thank you to all those who participated in our LE Mascot survey. We saw a bunch of very cool ideas! When we read all of them, the most appropriate choice for us was to make it a sort of preying mantis.

However, the design will require a certain amount of work... She could be a tricky one to handle... So please bear with us, as we may be able to show you the final concept a wee bit after the end of the campaign...

Backers portraits

After our call for backer profiles, we've received nearly 200 replies to date! And it was even more exciting than we had originally expected. We are so far from the usual stereotypes the media try to slap on wargames , miniature painters, and geeks of all colours. It was exiting and very touching to be in contact with the diversity uniqueness of so many people's life.

We definitely want to do something cool with all this info and all these stories. We're thinking of including some in the TGG2 artbook. We're also thinking of featuring them on our blog.

The first thing we've already done is compile some of them into a press release for various blogs and news outlet. We thought it would be a good way to let people know about the TGG2 kickstarter by sharing who are the people who are making a Kickstarter reach achieve over half a million dollar about little toy soldiers :)

However, despite the way the survey tool has been presented to us, it appears that we may be unable to match your personal information (name, email, gender, …) with the profile you wrote. As you can imagine, we are not very happy about this, and are still trying to sort this out. So anyway, at the moment, we can tell you that this survey is a lot more anonymous than we even expected...

Haven't completed the survey yet? Come on down and share your story :)

Feedback on the TGG1 Freebies

I saw this on the Comments Thread, and wanted to share it with you:

Andy Culver: “I just received my box of freebies from the first Kickstarter. Wow. To say I'm impressed is an understatement. The detail on these figures is amazing and there's little to no flash on the accessory sprues. Mould lines, what are they???? After seeing how well these turned out, the hardest part of the current KS is what figures I'll choose. Awesome stuff guys”

Quick Tips

Clarification on the New Retail Value for the Freebies

On Facebook, Ben Alchin asked me this question: “I assume it's just a lost-in-translation but the new update mentions the freebie value going from 200-250 in a way that at first glance just reads like you're upping the estimated retail price of the miniatures instead of adding/removing anything”.

So here's our reply: From Asharah Raging – “Yes, lost-in-translation it is... As mentioned in the Update, when we saw how well the KS launched, we immediately decided to put more expensive minis in the Freebies set as compared to our original plan. That will be very easy to verify when we show the add-on list of freebies, with their in-Kickstarter and their retail prices next to each. We however decided to not announce right away and instead, save the info to lift the spirits during the mid-campaign slump.”

Pledge Calculator

Chuck has kindly sent us a link to the pledge calculator he created.

We thank him warmly. Don't hesitate to play around with it :) Please note that this is NOT an official tool, and we have not been able to test it ourselves yet, but we hoped it would be helpful anyway.

New Concepts + Pinterest

Here are new images of concepts in larger size. We are continuing to update our TGG2 Pinterest board as well, where you'll find loads of TGG2 images all in one place to see and share them easily.

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