TGG2 - UPDATE #8 – New Freebie + Coming Bonus Unlocks + Resin and Metal + ...

New Freebie: Ardanna, Pillar of the Faith

Here's a new one for the Sisters! Here, she is shown with a heavy pistol, but it will be detachable so that you can use Ardanna in Sci-Fi or in Fantasy settings.

Ardanna is without a doubt the most loyal Servant of the Chalice.
She will never fail you.

Bonus Unlocks

It's April 1st, but we're not fooling: we're busy planning BONUS UNLOCKS!!!

We'll announce them in a new Update later today, so stay tuned and get the word out :)

Request for help

Anyone has built or is about to build an online pledge calculator to help them figure how much they can spend? If yes, do drop us a line at, and we'll share them in our Updates.

Resin or metal?

As mentioned in our FAQ, all the TGG2 minis will be cast in spin-cast resin. Most Heroines (excluding the Freebies) will also be available in metal. You'll get to choose which you want in the Pledge Manager.

You may want to check out what we wrote about the differences between the 2 in the TGG1 Pledge Manager.

And here's a short comment (lifted from the Comment Thread) on this topic, from backer Alexander Tschersich: "The freebies from the first KS where among the finest resin casts that I have ever seen. After reading "spincast resin", I was afraid that it wasn' real resin but some kind of soft and bendy vinyl-hybrid(?) like the DUST figures, but nope, they are hard and the detail is amazingly sharp."

New Concepts + Pinterest

Here are new images of concepts in larger size. We are continuing to update our TGG2 Pinterest board as well, where you'll find loads of TGG2 images. All in one place to see and share them easily.

The TGG2 Pinterest board is here:

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