Spirit of the Woods available for pre-order!

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We just released Sil-Iriah, the Spirit of the Woods, an amazing centrepiece for your Wood Elf, Barbarian, or Chivalric Armies.

Syl-Iriah comes in two sizes at the moment:
- Heroic, an impressive character standing 10cm high, she can be easily included in any unit with the 20×20mm base.
- Legendary, a massive supernatural creature, towering above the battlefield with her 16cm height, she’s based on a 50×50mm square base.

A third version, the Epic / 54mm scale version, will be available soon, and will stand 25cm tall.

All versions come with a set of 6 accessories/weapons to make this character a Warrior, a Sorceress, or a Warrior mage.

And stay tuned this week for the release of our Vampire/Dark Elf Lord character…

Legendary Syl-Iriah

Heroic Syl-Iriah

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