TGG2更新#74:有史以来最艰难的女孩照片 - Raging Heroes


%月 %日, %年 1 最小阅读 其他留言



因此,不进一步的ADO ...


它只是来自铸造厂的新鲜,我们今天收到了3张照片,真是太神奇了!!! (单击较大版本的图像)





那为什么这么特别?好吧,如果没有树脂胶粘技术,几乎不可能几乎不可能生产诸如Shaah的Avatar,Spider Mother或Succubi的祭坛,例如我们现在为您所做的。所有生产大型树脂套件的铸造厂都使用传统的手浇注树脂铸件的过程,这需要每30至50铸件从头开始重做模具,然后手工倒入每个模具,等等。




如果您的奖励选择 不包括 下面提到的任何模型,然后 到现在为止,您应该已经收到您的货物。如果不是这样,请与我们联系 这样我们就可以解决此问题。



如果您的奖励选择仅缺少安装的骑士 (请参见下图),请知道您的包裹定于下周发货。

下一个要生产的型号将是半人马,莎阿赫的化身和战争讲坛 (向下滚动以获取其生产状态的详细信息)。我还不能为这些人的生产顺序提交,因为我们尚未看到原型。任何一个都可能是第一个获得最终批准的人。一旦我知道,我就会有一个更新与您分享,以及演员阵容的照片。






Shah的化身,战争讲台,半人马,Asharah上的Pegasus,Yscarloth Fantasy和Sci-Fi




  1. 一旦铸造厂收到3D打印,他们首先检查所有零件是否有可变性,验证他们打算如何将零件放入模具等。半人马可能需要一段时间。

  2. 在此阶段,铸造厂可能会要求我们重印一些部分,因为即使我们一起检查了3D模型,一旦他们拥有物理模型,他们也可能会发现以前看不见的问题。当然,在3D打印和运输之间,该过程加了几天。

  3. 一旦一切验证,铸造厂就会开始制作一个干净的模具,即主模具。这种主模式不是用来投放您将获得的缩影。取而代之的是,它将仅用于几个子大师。这样做的原因是,要使生产塑造有效,铸造厂需要大师的几份副本。


  4. 一旦创建了主模具,它将运行几次,通常在10到30次之间。

  5. 由此,选择了最好的演员。这些经过精心审查,手工清洗,偶尔绿色和抛光。目的是确保每个子主管绝对完美(有些公司无法做到这一点,因为这是一个昂贵且耗时的过程,因此,子大师带有霉菌线或次要缺陷,这些缺陷将在每一个上复制单人演员!)。根据模型,这可能是非常耗时的操作。

  6. 然后将这些子摩托车放入将成为生产模具的新模具中。这是我们目前在上面列出的所有模型的阶段。


    莎阿的化身 - 头和躯干模具

    莎阿的化身 - 头和躯干模具

    莎阿的化身 - 腿模

    莎阿的化身 - 腿模

TGG2生产已经很长时间的人原因是因为TGG2微型可以是 令人难以置信的更为复杂比TGG1型号。为此,您可以感谢所有这些巨大的张开斗篷,多个方向的四肢,极端摆姿势,刺耳的元素等。但是与此同时,它们使TGG2型号如此特别。







就像我们在以前的更新中提到的那样,我们从未在将其发送到铸造厂之前完全组装3D打印,因为胶水或其他粘合剂材料的痕迹会对模具做出不良反应。但是这一次,由于蜘蛛母亲的复杂性,铸造厂要求我们提供另外的印刷品,可以用来更好地理解微型。由于原始的高分辨率模型需要2周的3D打印和清理时间,因此我们打印了一个 低分辨率版本用于参考。下图是印刷品的低分辨率版本(仍然很不错)。





祭坛是最后一个是3D打印的模型,它有很多东西!除了所有庞大的结构元素之外,该套件中至少有30个字符(Harpies,Slaves,Blood Vestals)。







但是,如果您对金属没有特别的依恋,并且会对树脂感到满意,那么只需与我们联系 并告诉我们您想从金属转到树脂,以便您的发货可以较早出去。我们很乐意为您做出改变。 






那么,您可以期待什么?好吧,我们将在另一个更新中为您提供所有详细信息,很可能是在下周。您可以为大型事情做准备 - 真的很大!

因此,请继续关注我们接下来几天的下一次更新,并提供更多怪物和机器的照片,对这些型号的运输估算更好,以及来自我们的Scenery Kickstarter的图像。

包括,我们很乐意在风景中收取您的反馈 (向下滚动以提交您的答案):



%月 %日, %年

Please please please for the game kickstarter find some good and proven game designer, and do not repeat the same facepalm failure that Avatars of War and Mierce Miniatures did when they thought they could do it themselves.

Jean Tilith
Jean Tilith

%月 %日, %年

Ah terrains !
Probably more important than miniatures when it comes to gameplay.
I second Roberto, the important thing is to not have sealed houses, plain windows without line of sight, rubble that make impossible for a mini to stand on (if they are not high enough to hide behind) etc. Look is important, but playability is even more. (I’d say really thick walls can be a waste of space and leave with small interiors as well as a rough look, the opposite of your so detailed style)

But I’m sure you will amaze us as always !

Stefan Pickel
Stefan Pickel

%月 %日, %年

Looking forward to geting the rest of my order. With the Spider Mother, Avatar and Centaurs, it was bound to be among the last to get shipped, and I think it’ll be worth it.

About the Terrain: While I think it’s nice that it’ll be fast to set up and might even look good without painting, please don’t dumb it down too much. I personally love building and painting at least as much as playing, so don’t take that away completely.
And it would be kind of cool it at least one optional way to build it takes the sexy looking literal and takes a queue from the architecture in the Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose comics, though maybe with a darker spin with hints of torture or simply being impaled in especially uncomfortable places, maybe some of the decorative elements are actually living creatueres absorbed into the buildings (and tortured and impaled in especially uncomfortable places, of course). Heck, maybe even stuff like pools and fountains we can paint first and then fill with (colored) clear resin or water effect for the building and painting fanatics amongst us.
I mean, that’s the kind of architecture I’d expect Lust Elves to hang out in, when they’re not in the mood for battle.


%月 %日, %年

I second Brian:

“hi..i bought everything except the kitchen sick. does that make my order weeks, months or years away.”


%月 %日, %年

hi..i bought everything except the kitchen sick. does that make my order weeks, months or years away.


%月 %日, %年

Getting stupidly excited for my inevitable Lust Elves invasion ;D

And speaking of the Avatar, do you have any idea how wide her stance is? As in the distance between the outsides of her feet? I’m sorting out the bases for these chicks, but am at a bit of a loss for just how huge the embiggened Avatar ended up. Thanks!

Roberto Bergianti
Roberto Bergianti

%月 %日, %年

Also “playable” please! No micro steps or sealed buildings that makes interaction with the miniatures impossible.

Davogrod Gutsucker
Davogrod Gutsucker

%月 %日, %年

Waow! These models are just amazing. I’m eager to get the Spidermother now that I have seen this monstrous beast!

Rabbit Burner
Rabbit Burner

%月 %日, %年

Nice update looking forward to seeing the production Pulpit and the cavalry looks amazing – wished I ordered some now!
Thought I’d complete the Terrain survey to be repeatedly told – You answered wery quickly. Please think before answering.
The typo I can live with, its the arrogance of an automated reply implying I don’t know what I want in terrain and I need to think about for longer!! Believe me I know what I want from terrain – just check my KS backer history!

Ardanème Gana
Ardanème Gana

%月 %日, %年

The MOUNTED KNIGHTS are AMAZING. I thing I have been waiting 30 years to have a proper Mounted Knight for my Paladin.
So in fact It didn’t take Raging Heros not so long to create them!!! You are my good!!!
Now I can’t wait for the Scenery Kickstarter to put those fabulous knights on it!!! Please show us some design!!!!
You are the best, and like we said in french “longer is the time better it is” I not sure of this traduction but think about that it can be!!!! My best regard!!! Ardanème Gana

Jim Stearns
Jim Stearns

%月 %日, %年

The Avatar shown doesn’t seem capable of replicating the ‘shh’ gesture in the concept art. Is her wrist/hand mount capable of that?

Jeremy Hansen
Jeremy Hansen

%月 %日, %年

I’m gonna be moving again in July.

I have Pulpits on my pledge. Am I going to have change my address with RH again before my stuff ships out?

I just want to make sure that it all gets to me. The freebies were great, but I’ve run out of them and I’m itching to get my full pledge!

Original Timmy
Original Timmy

%月 %日, %年

Seems like you read my comment about spin-cast vs normal resin casting :)

Great to see the 3D print of the Altar cant wait to get it, whenever that will be, could we get a rough Time line for it in the next update please

Mateo Diaz
Mateo Diaz

%月 %日, %年

I know a lot of people who backed both proyects are wargamers. but i would prefer the game to be something more loke heroquest, or warhammerquest; so you can focus on the heroic and monstruos miniatures more. althought i don’t know how it would fare with all the troops

Gareth Pannan
Gareth Pannan

%月 %日, %年

All looking really good!!
My order was just waiting for the Cavalry but I was wondering if the dark elf cavalry has been finished too?
Great work guys!!! : )

Todd M Ferrullo
Todd M Ferrullo

%月 %日, %年

How exactly can “the next models to be produced will be the Centaurs, the Avatar of Shaah, and the War Pulpit.” but you “can’t commit on the order of production for those yet, because we haven’t yet seen the prototypes” when elsewhere in the update you are showing a PRODUCTION version of the Avatar. Considering that it took a month to get the cavalry and Avatar to almost ready, I am guessing that those of us waiting on other large figures and metal heroines still have 3-5 months more of a wait since you have still not committed to an actual timetable (as the above is not a timetable just a rough and possibly incorrect order of production).




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