Meet Karmina Noxx - Raging Heroes

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Meet Karmina Noxx

April 05, 2013 3 min read

Edit June 4th: The Kickstarter is LIVE!! Click here!!

From the upcoming Toughest Girls of the Galaxy Kickstarter (TGG), here's Karmina Noxx, another soldier from the Kurganovas' Shock Troops.

We know that many of you are as impatient as we are to see the Kickstarter begin! So this post is to tell you that we are now very close to launching. After all the delays we had from the banks and getting Amazon Payments sorted out, we are now finalising the Kickstarter details for approval.

While the wait may understandably be frustrating to some of you, at the same time, it has turned out to be a great opportunity to raise even more awareness for the project, which will benefit the TGG Kickstarter as more people will allow for more unlocking of stretch goals and new models.

This has also allowed us to get more of your feedback in time for the launch, and adjust some of our plans accordingly.
We have taken even greater care about the scale issues some of you have been concerned with.

We've also noted that many are anxious that sculpts closely match the concepts. We can confidently say that you won't be disappointed!

As for those who have expressed some concerns with the delay in launching our first Kickstarter, it is worth saying that getting a Kickstarter going when you're not American is quite a complex endeavour, which kept us fully occupied for the last 3 months, involving several banks and other agencies, the French Chamber of Commerce in Philadelphia, lawyers and accountants as well, and for all of them, getting them to understand what a Kickstarter is, and how they could make it fit in their little boxes. We've learned quite a bit in the process, and this will be greatly helpful for this and upcoming projects.

But this delay has given us the opportunity to make sure that everything was above board and that there would be no issues with our upcoming operations for us or for our customers and supporters, and to insure that 100% of the pledges would go towards the implementation of the process and not towards unexpected fees, taxes and other penalties.

Questions? Comments?
We're listening!

And if you want to know what got us started on the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy, check out the Kurganova sisters...


Well, as you know, to make this work, we need YOU!
A smart reader suggested that we provide banners to help spread the word on the Kurganova Shock Troops Kickstarter. So, DONE!
You can grab the banner below and link it to this Kickstarter page ( we've set up (until the Kickstarter is actually live).
You can put it on your blog, or as your signature in forum posts, or anywhere else you can think of...

Or the French version:

→ Oh, and in case you haven't yet done so... please FRIEND US!

We've mentioned it before, but may we also strongly suggest that you ask us (Asharah Raging) as a friend on Facebook, (for communication purposes, "Friending" Asharah is more effective than "Liking" the Raging Heroes page). At this point in time, Facebook is probably the best way to get real time info on what's going on with our Kickstarter and other projects.
Asharah Raging is already up 420+ Friends since we've started communicating on this!
You can also follow us on Twitter. We're not very effective Twitterers yet, (but working on it); and all our Facebook posts do get an automatic Twitter update.

PS/ Want to make sure you know when we get started? Just sign up for our newsletter.
Want to help out? Please leave a comment below - just remember to use your actual email address so we can contact you (don't worry, it won't be visible online).

To make this happen, PLEASE, PLEASE, SPREAD THE WORD!

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